Life has kept me on my toes! And I kind of want to cry at the fact that July is more than half way over. Seriously, can it slow down just a little bit?? More than likely if you are like us here in PA you are just a little over a month away from starting another school year!!!
With that said, there are only 22 Saturdays until Christmas. Just let that sink in a little...
Unfortunately, with the way my mind has been functioning lately I had to go back and read my last post to see what I had written! For others of you that need a refresher you can check out my last blog post here!
A big praise the Lord that my gastrointestinal issues vanished as quickly as they came on. Can I just say that is one of the flukiest, most miserable things I have ever encountered. My doctor's would just like to say I caught a nasty bug that was going around at the time and I have finally gotten over it, but I prefer to say that I was healed and I still continue to give God the glory for that!
Now onto life lately, I actually don't even know where to start. Well for starters, here is one of the most recent pictures of me...
I was in one of my best friend's wedding two weeks ago.
Since I wrote you last, I have rejoined the fabulous world of retail. I can't complain though... my manager is fabulous, and everything about my job is pretty flexible! Nothing about retail is sunshine and flowers, but I am blessed to have a job!
A little humor, because who doesn't love Grumpy Cat?! Lol!
I continue to pursue my dream to become a state certified paraprofessional, and pray that if this is God's will for my life He will open up all the right doors.
Funny thing is that I recently thought I was going to move myself back up to New York, bunk at my Aunt's house (Surprise Aunt Kerry! If I seriously was going to consider it you would have know! I promise! Lol!), and attend a medical trade school to become and EKG Tech, but God kind of slammed that door, and laughed in my face... because I am currently in the "hallway" of what may lead to a new door being opened! Not sharing very many details now, but please be in prayer for me as a new chapter of my life may be beginning very soon! Stay tuned though, because as soon as I know you all will know as well!
I love this part of Revelation 3:7- "What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open."
I've made the mistake so many times of jumping into something too quickly, or trying to do things my own way that sometimes I feel like I forget to really truly seek after God first and put His will for my life above everything else... this is probably because I have zero patience and want things done NOW, or I want an answer NOW.
They played this at a Woman's Conference I went to one time... Maybe I need to listen to it more often!
My favorite part is when he says, "Can't changed what has happened till now, but we can change what will be. By living in holiness the world will see Jesus"
I really want to make it my priority to be wholeheartedly seeking after God and what he wants for my life... not listening to the world and what it thinks is best for my life, because eventually everything here is going to fade away. Would you pray for me that I will seek God on a daily basis and not just a whim when "I think" I need Him, and I promise I will do the same for all you reading this!
Fourth of July weekend we spent with my family in New York!
"The love in our family grows strong and deep, leaving special moments to treasure and keep"
Can we just talk about how fabulous my almost 93 year old Great-Grandmother is??
My Uncle continues to fight against that nasty thing we all hate, cancer. Please remember to pray for him, my beautiful Aunt, and two cousins.
I got to experience being a bridesmaid, and can I just say.... it was a FABULOUS experience! I am so happy I got to be a part of Rebecca's day... she is amazing friend and I couldn't be happier for her! It was a beautiful wedding, she was a beautiful bride, and she is married the man of her dreams! I can't wait to see what God does in them and through them as they start this new journey together as husband and wife!
You can't have a wedding until you have a spa day!
Photo Booth Fun!
A week after Rebecca's wedding we traveled to NC to witness the marriage of Morgan and Taylor. Morgan's family lived in my neighborhood years ago, and we lost touch after they moved away, we have since reconnected and I honestly couldn't be happier!!! Having her and her family apart of my life again brings me so much joy!!!
It is rare to find a young couple who's hearts are so on fire for Christ. Morgan and Taylor have made the commitment to make Christ the center of their marriage. It's so inspiring! It was a blessing to witness their special day, and I can't wait to see what God does in them and through them as they start this journey together as husband and wife!
I think that basically sums up my life lately! I am going to try to get back into the swing of blogging, and despite my very long hiatus I hope you all continue to follow me!!
<3 Ashley XO
Wow, quite the catch up!! Beautiful post, keep them coming!!