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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Starting Anew

Hello friends! To my old followers, welcome back! Hopefully you have chose to stick around amid my veryyyyy long "hiatus" from blogging.

To anyone new, welcome aboard! Take time to look around and catch up on my previous posts.

If you are new here, I encourage you to at least take a look back at my very first post to see where this whole blogging journey of mine began!

And if you're one of those people that just likes to read the "beginning and the end" I would recommend you check out the very last post I shared as well.

Now sit back and enjoy as together we start this journey anew.

I will try to be as brief as possible in filling you in on the last year and a half. ;)

If I had to describe the last year and a half in a Bible verse it would be, Revelation 3:8. It ought to be pretty well known, but just in case...

"I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."

On top of doors being opened, I also had my fill of doors being shut and sometimes even slammed in my face. 

Back in January of last year I lost my job with Motherhood Maternity, my first time ever being officially unemployed. After a very long four months, tons of job applications, a handful of interviews, and plenty of rejection I began working for a substitute contracting company. I picked up substitute personal care aide and teacher aide jobs within local school districts and a nearby Lincoln Intermediate school. I also had the opportunity to work through the summer some with an Extended School Year program. 

Working with the subbing contractor gave me the flexibility to be able to go on a week long missions trip with my church last summer to a small coal-mining town nestled in the state of Kentucky. It was eye opening and an experience I won't soon forget. I coordinated and lead a mini camp/VBS for some of the local children, and did they ever steal my heart. 

I made some supplemental income working at a fireworks store where I actually remained employed until April of this year. The friends and the memories made are surely priceless. ANDDD best part of all, my dad worked on the security team!

I remained with the subbing contractor through the early fall, landed some long-term positions and when nothing seemed to stick I decided it was time to look for something more stable. 

Late November, just around Thanksgiving, I landed myself in a CNA (certified nursing assistant) class, but that only lasted a month, because I got "suspended" for exceeding the number of hours you're allowed to miss due to having the flu. 
If I'm being honest, I thought I could have rocked the scrub life ;). 
Little did I know, God had something better in store :)

Thankfully, I still had the fireworks store to fall back on in order to bring in a little income. I also began interning at my church within the children's ministry department. I continued to apply for jobs, to no avail. Early March I applied for a classroom assistant job at a local daycare. I received a call back from the owner, but instead of offering me an interview for the assistant job he told me the interview would be for a lead teacher position. Three days later I walked into an interview, for a position I didn't even apply for, and walked out with a job that I started the very next day. 

I remained there as their young toddler lead teacher until just about a month ago, when God very clearly opened a door in front of me to join the staff at my home church at our learning center as one of the lead teachers. I have been working there just over two weeks now and I am still in awe of God's goodness towards me, and I'm trying to patiently wait in anticipation for the awesome things that are in store for my future. 

For those of you that follow me on my Facebook should have caught a glimpse of the official post I shared this weekend. 

"Almost exactly a month ago I shared with you all that my time at Wee Kare Child Center had come to a close and I had something very exciting in store. Today, I am pleased to announce that I have joined the incredible staff at Lifehouse Church. God opened the door for me to be one of the Learning Center's lead teachers. I was not looking for a new job at the time, and had actually just talked about my job at the daycare potentially being long-term, but God has a sense of humor and I am excited to embark on this new journey and see all He has in store for my future!"

Are you guys bored yet? I'm almost finished!

My health continue to remains status quo. No huge, significant changes, though after my routine MRI last summer they did see some growth in the main tumor behind my ear and in my neck. If you're absolutely lost and have no idea what I'm talking about, well then you'll just have to follow the link about to check out my very first blog post ;). But if you're lazy and want the abridged version... below you can read my post after my yearly neurology visit last year :)

"Always blown away by the love, attention, and care I get from the neuroscience team at Children's Hospital in DC. Had my yearly follow up with Dr Packer this afternoon. For those of you that are just now getting to know me, I was born with a neurological birth defect known as, Neurofibromatosis. In 2008 I had major surgery to remove the largest tumor from behind my right ear. The initial report of my MRI from this year that Dr Packer and his team received stated that a spot they have been watching on my brain had grown. I am pleased to announce that after looking over the actual images, Dr Packer along with his partner decided that they disagree with the initial report from the team in Hagerstown, and that if anything the spot on my brain could show signs of shrinkage! Praise God! While there is some growth in right side of my neck where the original tumor was removed, at this point they see no reason for concern and I will continue to undergo yearly MRIs and visit with Dr Packer on a yearly basis as well. The outcome of today's appointment was better than I could have imagined, and I am continually thankful to God for my health. Many children with this disease can suffer mental retardation, blindness, deafness, and even live in a vegetative state. I am blessed that at 23 years old I am happy, healthy, and a thriving young adult. It hasn't always been easy, there have been bumps in the road, but God is good, and I am thankful that for the most part I lead a very normal life!!"

Whew! If you made it through this post give yourselves a pat on the back ;) and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking around! Be patient with me as I get back into the swing of being a "blogger". Hopefully some of you are as excited as I am! 

Happy Sunday, Friends! Have a FANTASTIC start to your week and be on the lookout for my next post!

<3 Ashley XO

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